This blog is merely to be used as an education resource for the uses of various medicinal plants for knowledge, not practice. I have no training in utilizing these plants, but am merely arranging information about them for myself and for anyone who wishes to learn from it. If you want information on how to use these plants in the treatment of illness, seek professional help from trained practitioners. I am not advising you to use these plants in the ways discussed, but am only compiling information about how they are used by others.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dictionary of terms

- abortifacient: induces abortion
- alkali: a substance with basic (on pH scale) properties
- anesthetic: causes lack of feeling or awareness
- anthelminitic: kills parasitic worms of the instestines
- anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation, an immune response including swelling, pain, redness, and warmth
- antipyretic: reduces or stops fever
- antiseptic: protection against infection from microorganisms, bacteria
- antispasmodic: reduces or stops spasms or convulsions
- astringent: "causing contraction of body tissues, checking blood flow, or restricting secretions of fluids"
- Ayurvedic medicine: holistic/traditional medicine practice originating in India and practiced in South Asia and throughout the world
- calyx: sepals of the flower as a group (see definition for "sepal" below)
- carminative: prevents/relieves flatulence
- chicken pox: illness characterized by a red, bumpy rash, often accompanied by fever, headache, and loss of appetite
- cholagogic, or a cholagogue: stimulates bile secretion from the liver
- corolla: combined unit of flower petals
- diaphoretic: induces sweating
- dyspepsia: indigestion
- emesis: vomiting
- emmenagogue: promotes menses
- emollient: skin softener
- estrogenic: having qualities similar to estrogen (female hormones)
- expectorant: brings up mucus and other things from the lungs, trachea and bronchi
- germicide: kills germs
- gripe: "cause pinching and spasmodic pain in the bowels"
- hemorrhaging: excessive bleeding
- hemorrhoids: "painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus"
- hemostatic: stops bleeding
- hepatitis: liver disease
- hives: a rash, often triggered by an allergy
- hypertension: high blood pressure
- laxative: loosens bowels
- measles: viral infection that causes a rash
- peristalsis: muscle contraction to move an object through a muscular tube, as when food goes down the esophagus
- phthisis: archaic term for tuberculosis, a contagious bacterial infection originating in the lungs
- piles: see "hemorrhoids"
- purgative: see "laxative"
- sepal: the leaf-like extensions that sit directly behind the petals of a flower, often extending in the area where there is a divide between petals (see below image)

- stomachic: stimulates digestion and appetite
- tonic: "treatment, usually an herbal concoction, that refreshes and restores health, energy, and vitality"
- ulcer: sore in the lining of the stomach
- vulnerary: wound treatment

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